luni, 17 ianuarie 2011

Cel mai mare tablou din lume 3Vision pictat de un singur artist

Acest tablou va fi finalizat pana la inceputul anului 2012 si va expus prima data in Spania

Proiectul impresioneaza atat prin dimensiuni cat si prin posibilitatea vizionarii lui in trei moduri (3Vision):

- ziua la lumina normala,

- pe intuneric la expunere ultravioleta

- noaptea in absenta luminii (va radia lumina caci va fi lucrat cu pigmenti STARTONIGHT ce acumuleaza lumina)

Fotografiile nu vor fi prea relevante deoarece aparatele foto nu au capacitatea de a reda in spectrul luminos de ultraviolete, impactul real fiind doar la vizionarea live.

Lucrarea va fi o calatorie in timp si spatiu inspirata din capturile facute de telescopul HUBBLE.

Tabloul va fi pictat pe panza si va avea dimensiunea de cca100 metri lungime. Va putea fi expus partial sau total functie de locatie cu ajutorul unui dispozitiv electromecanic.

Tabloul nu va fi oferit spre vanzare ci va fi expus cu scopul strangerii de fonduri si intrajutorarea copiilor bolnavi de cancer.

Biggest painting 3Vision ever made


The painting will be finalized by the beginning of 2012 and it will be made public for the first time in Spain

The project dazzles not only with the dimensions but with the possibility of viewing in 3 ways:

- In the day at normal light

- At night in ultraviolet exposure

- Night, pitch black (it will radiate being made with STARTONIGHT crystals that accumulates light)

The painting is remarkable with its size though the true value it is at live viewing because digital image will not reproduce 100 percent the effect of ultraviolet spectrum.

It will be a traveling truth time and space inspired from the Hubble telescope

The painting will be made on cotton canvas, 100 meters long and it can be exposed totally or partially depending on the location, with the help of an electro-mechanical device.

The exhibit has the purpose of fund raiser to help children with cancer in every country where the exposition will take part.

The project is realized in help of HUMANITARIAN ASSOCIATION M.A.M.E. and with STARTONIGHT company.

sâmbătă, 8 ianuarie 2011


Arta.. hmm...arta de a vorbi.. arta de a scrie..arta de a canta....a compune...a juca...a picta...Arta e oare o unitate de masura? un nivel inalt intr-un anumit domeniu? un calificativ superior? Nu ! categoric Nu ! Arta e un drum,un mod de a fi... e exprimarea unui sine la modul frumos si placut. Nu voi putea spune niciodata arta de a distruge...arta de a insela... de a minte.... desi pentru unii si aceste lucruri sunt considerate arta.
Este o lupta ce ne aduce mai aproape de frumos,de Divin.Arta e straduinta sinelui in cautarea cunoasterii iar superlativul e Universul si insasi Divinitatea.Deci arta este drumul intr-acolo.

Art…well…art to talk, art to write… art to sing…to compose…to play…Can art be a measuring unit? A higher level in a certain domain? A superior quality? No! certainly NOT! Art is a road, a way to be…it’s the exprimation of one self to beautiful and pleasant. I can never say that to destroy is an art…or to cheat…to lie even though for some people that is considered as art. It is a fight that bring us closer to beautiful and Devin. Art is the struggle of oneself in searching for self knowledge and the superlative is Universe and Divinity itself. So, art is the right way to get there.